The hand, tool of tools.
The hand, tool of tools.
The hand is the tool of tools.
- Aristotle.
Even though the answer may seem obvious, it is important to know that they don't only treat hand problems, but those of the entire upper extremity. The correct hand functioning depends not only on fingers and palm. Opening a doorknob, for example, requires a rotation movement from the hand, made by the forearm's muscles. Another example is driving a vehicle, for it requires not only taking the stering wheel with the hands, but making it turn with movements coming from the entire arms, along with the joints. Therefore, hand surgeons are capable of treating bone, muscle, tendon, ligament and nerve problems from the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, arm and shoulder.
What does a hand surgeon do?
Did you know...?
Certified hand surgeons can treat the entire upper extremity problems.
Distal radioulnar joint Aptis prosthesis
The DRUJ constrained prosthesis is used in cases of arthritis of the joint, including chronic instability, rheumatoid artritis, wrist fracture sequels, etc. The placement of this implant restores the forearm pronation and supination, increases the lifting capacity of the extremity and relieves the pain.
- It is necessary to trust the
physician you choose. Feeling
safe in his hands is a matter of
- Take with you a list of the questions you need to ask and the doubts and fears you need to clarify. Make sure you get a general explanation of the procedure and recovery, as well as possible complications and the odds they may occur.
- Explore other non-invasive treatment alternatives and their success rates.
- Ask your physician about the hospitals where the procedure could be done and chose the one both of you think convenient.